Paper & Wood Products
Production demands for pulp, paper, and wood products manufacturers are growing at a rate that has never been experienced in the industry's history. As a result, pulp and paper mills that have been in operation for multiple decades are facing challenges to upgrade and modernize existing systems and infrastructure so that growing demands can be met safely and economically. RoviSys delivers solutions that are required to meet these challenges.
RoviSys possesses the industry expertise and technical knowledge required to upgrade and modernize legacy systems to meet growing demands for production. RoviSys works side-by-side with engineering, operations and leadership at multiple pulp and paper mills to migrate legacy DCS and PLC control systems to contemporary OEM platforms, to design and install secure IT and OT Network infrastructures, assist with reliability and process improvements, and to integrate information systems for data collection and reporting.

Industry Expertise
Pulp & Paper | Wood Products | Packaging | Converting
• Advanced Process Control Solutions
• Extensive in-house knowledge of contemporary and legacy controls platforms
• Resources with Specializations in Pulp, Paper & Bio-Resource Engineering
• Migration of legacy DCS and PLC systems to contemporary OEM platforms
• Integration of multiple vendor platforms for Process Controls and HMI solutions
• Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) Studies
• Electrical & Instrumentation (E&I) Design Packages
• OSIsoft PI and other Data Historians
• Information systems, Data collection, and Reporting
• IT and OT Network Design, Installation, and Commissioning
• Boiler, Turbine Generator, and Cogeneration controls